Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Week 6, Thing 14 - Technorati

I've launched into Technorati. Since I don't read any blogs at the moment, it's going to take some time for me to build a list of favorites on this site. I did take the tour listed in the 23 things blog and it is dawning on me that my old 'mental model' of how to get information is outmoded. I've been looking to journal articles and see now that they're usually behind the curve of what's really going on. Now I'm going to need to look toward blogs for this. It's a little daunting to think of the bazillion sources of information that are out there. Tools like this do make it easier to manage and make it a bit less overwhelming.

1 comment:

NiniB said...

We've published a blog roll on Merlin fyi - see home page.

Your blog is really great. Lots to learn here about what it's like to go through this program. Thanks!