Monday, August 6, 2007

Vacation in Maine

I'm up in Maine this week freeloading on my friends Lynn and Bill. They tell me that it was hot and unpleasant last week but since I've been here it has been spectacular. Here are four photos that I took yesterday and this morning.


Tina P said...

Just looking at those pictures was relaxing! Hope you have a really great time while you're there ... and be sure to eat a lobster or two for me!

onetwinoftwo said...

Wow! What beautiful scenery. It looks so peaceful and serene. I'm a little envious. One of twin two

Surfing Pirate said...

Beautiful location. Have a really great time and have don't forget to enjoy a lobster roll!

Jackie said...

Wow that's gorgeous! or should I say in the vernacular - those pictures are wicked good!

eddie said...

I am really jealous!! I bet you forgot to pack your fishin' gear. Hope you are having a great time and give my best to Lynn and Bill.

Julie said...

you import that sunset for us???

I want to kayak on that lake...

Anonymous said...

Love the pics! I agree with bikermice. Just looking at them was relaxing.

Anonymous said...

Really great snaps dear, you must have really enjoyed that weekend. If you have more snaps of that weekend please upload and share with us.

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