OK, I was working on a spreadsheet to track expenditures on historical photographs and needed a break. I used the Palette Generator on fk's flickr toys to create a palette of new colors from a photo. Here's the photo and the palette they gave me...
I picked colors from the palette and pasted the codes into the Blogger settings. It was good to see that they had a 'return to template defaults' button in case I really messed it up.
Hi Jim,
Just trolling thru the BCPL blogs and I had to give you a quick tip that it took me many frustrating posts to figure out.
You may not have noticed this, but when you add a picture to a post, all the text after the picture will go single-spaced, instead of the much more attractive 1 1/2 - space line height that seems to be Blogger's default.
Well, after beating on Blogger for about a year, I figured out a piece of html code that will force all the text in a post to stay pleasantly spaced.
At the beginning of the post (in html view), add this text:
span style="line-height:150%"
Put it between angle brackets like all html tags. (I can't use them in this comment b/c it'll try to format what I'm writing!)
and at the very end of the post, put in:
also between angle brackets.
have fun!
Ooohhh, aaahhhh,
Jim you always do the coolest things. I like how you know about all this stuff. Great colors.
I am having fun with the 23 Things. No need to post to me anymore because I know that you're probably swamped.
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